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by leslie on June 29th, 2014

House Speaker John Boehner is suing President Obama for “not faithfully executing the laws” and “subverting laws approved by Congress,” such as halting deportation of immigrants, expanding gay rights, and more. The President has used his Executive powers 23 times to destroy our Second Amendment. He is using Obamacare to destroy our health care system. He is using the IRS to destroy the Fourth Amendment, to obliterate the Tea Party and to enforce Obamacare. He is pushing Homosexual “rights” to obliterate our First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion. He is threatening to use executive power if Congress doesn’t support his unconstitutional ideas. This is tyranny!

Fox News showed that the Administration was blindsided 9 times: in Iraq and Ukraine, VA, IRS, Fast and Furious scandals, and four more. Perhaps the Administration didn’t notice these problems because it’s so focused on destroying America.
House Speaker Boehner is pussy-footing around the real issue. The arrogance of the Obama Administration smacks of Germany, 1936. Pres. Obama and his henchman, Senator Reid, the pit-bull of the Senate with the vicious mouth, have long over-stepped their Constitutional boundaries. The time for suing is passed. Dictators only understand superior force. IT IS TIME TO IMPEACH!

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